(Microsoft Sans Serif woff2, Microsoft Sans Serif woff, Microsoft Sans Serif.

I checked my Windows fonts (using through Parallels on my Mac) and dont see the font. You can use a utility such as Andrew West’s BabelMap, Apple’s TrueEdit or WunderMoosen’s FontChecker to see exactly which characters are included. Microsoft Sans Serif MacOS, Windows, Sketch, Figma, Photoshop Web. Missing MS Sans Serif font I have a program (Articulate Storyline) that warns me everytime it opens that Im missing the font MS Sans Serif. Not all of the characters in a given range will always be present in a font, and many fonts contain a few characters from ranges where they are not listed. This font also contains most glyphs shipped with any version of Windows until Windows Vista, excluding fonts supporting East Asian ideographs. It is part of the Nanum fonts () a set of high quality Unicode fonts designed especially for the Korean-language script Hangeul that also support Latin. Microsoft Sans Serif is a TrueType font that is designed as a vectorized, metric-compatible variant of MS Sans Serif, distributed with Windows 2000 and later.
You can find details of the ranges supported by each font, and information on how to obtain the fonts, in Unicode fonts for Windows computers, Unicode fonts for Macintosh OS 9 computers, Unicode fonts for Macintosh OS X computers, and Unicode fonts for Unix and Linux computers. Nanum Pen Script is a contemporary pen-script typeface with a warm touch and is expertly hinted for screen use. MS Sans Serif is the default system font on Windows 3. OS/2 and its successor ArcaOS still name the font 'Helv'.

'Helv' is still a valid alias for MS Sans Serif. In Windows 3.1, the raster font was renamed MS Sans Serif. The following list of Unicode character ranges indicates which fonts support each range. Microsoft Sans Serifs predecessor is Helv (a shortened form of Helvetica), a raster font included with Windows 1.0 and later.